An Exclusive Lotus Diamond, by Rexluxa
From materials, men create and fashion objects or works of art.
Then they try to give them meaning. Some, the more ambitious, try to give them beauty, purity or even give them life.
The diamond stands above all other objects; its beauty and purity shine through eternally.
The Lotus Diamond is a truely magnificient achievement, its creation is owed to the timeless combination of man and nature.
The utterly perfect outcome is achieved thanks to the imagination and expertise of the greatest masters of jewellery. This exquisite diamond is all but guaranted to inspire awe in all who gaze upon it. Its artistic value will contribute exponentially to the family of any person lucky enough to own one.

The 105-faceted Lotus Cup, whose brilliance resembles a beautiful Lotus flower, is one of the world’s unique treats.
Cut on demand and protected by an international patent. Each of our clients has complete freedom to choose their stone, their creteria of quality (weight, purity), and its color. Lotus diamonds are available from 1 Carat, and are delivered worldwide with an international HRD-Antwerp tamper-proof certificate.
The delivery time is 4 and 6 weeks
The diamond Lotus is referenced in the book
Treat yourself by adding one of these wonderfully unique pieces to your collection end enjoy its outstanding beauty for many years to come.